Introduction to guidelines for treating vergence and accommodative disorders

In previous generations, when survival depended on the ability to hunt, fish, and farm, the visual system had to respond to constantly changing, distant stimuli. Good distance visual acuity and stereoscopic vision were of paramount importance. Today, the emphasis has shifted from distance to two-dimensional near vision tasks such as…continue reading →

Cast away

As many vision therapy patients will confirm it is an utterly exhausting and lonely process. Achieving healthy vision for a strabismic person is like any great athletic challenge only you don't get any recognition for it and your prize is something that everyone takes for granted. Being discouraged is a…continue reading →

Double vision and reading

It is certainly true that binocular eye problems prevent you from reading comfortably. This has all kind of repercussions on your academic (and athletic) performance. It's especially tragic if you like to escape reality with a good book once in a while but you can't really because of your diplopia.…continue reading →