Why and how can text-to-speech programs be helpful to some strabismics?

Why and how can text-to-speech programs be helpful to some strabismics?

It is only recently that I started appreciating the value of text-to-speech programs and there's a couple of good reasons for that. - Not all text-to-speech programs are created equal. You have to find the right one. I'm not in the business of making publicity for anything but I think…continue reading →

Online Eye Exercises to Improve Learning and Visual Attention

1. The following website contains some simple but effective exercises to improve visual information processing skills such as perception, tracking, focusing and eye teaming. http://www.eyecanlearn.com/ NOTE: These activities are offered as a fun way to help sharpen "learning-related" visual skills that are critical for success in school. If a child…continue reading →

“How do you explain to friends and family that you are turning into a psycho because your eyes are changing?”

As strabismus is essentially a brain problem, it touches more than vision alone. During my research I found lists of symptoms which in hindsight all make sense, one being 'emotional problems and anxiety'. This is true and during therapy the changes in your sight and brain make this symptom even…continue reading →