Head rotations, bar reading and bring on the prism flippers

Head rotations, bar reading and bring on the prism flippers

  Head rotations Last week, for the first time, I had a completely stable percept while doing my head turns. I couldn't believe it!  I thought I was suppressing or something but I wasn't. Both eyes were just heedlessly adjusting to the head movements without error. It must be great…continue reading →
Orthoptists vs Developmental Optometrists: What’s the difference?

Orthoptists vs Developmental Optometrists: What’s the difference?

Orthoptists and developmental optometrists both work in the field of diagnosing, measuring and treating binocular vision problems, strabismus and amblyopia. They both use the same vocabulary to describe a problem and even often use the same tools. So why this distinction? I can only speak for certain about the situation…continue reading →
Vision Therapy and tDCS (1): Why?

Vision Therapy and tDCS (1): Why?

When it comes to strabismus and visual processing disorders most of the medical community seems to have to luxury of living in the 19th century. Other parts of society however move on. Researchers, the military, professional athletes, educators, you name it... Visual training has been pioneered throughout the 20th century…continue reading →
Alternation, cyclopean eye and the attentional spotlight

Alternation, cyclopean eye and the attentional spotlight

As my eyes are aligned most of the time by now I have no real concept of alternating between both eyes anymore. Despite the mechanical alignment of my eyes, I still do not use them equally. My vision still seems to be rather lateralized to the right. When I intentionally…continue reading →
Pursuing a higher degree of visual freedom

Pursuing a higher degree of visual freedom

In my last blog entry I talked about 'visual reserves' and how important this concept is for long term comfort and for VT to be successful. The improvement of eye lens focusing and eye movement amplitudes individually is not enough for it to stick. You need to be able to…continue reading →
Improvement of accommodation and vergence amplitudes is not enough

Improvement of accommodation and vergence amplitudes is not enough

I was going through my things and found a piece of information I vividly remember reading and highlighting two years ago. I was very excited to see something I already intuitively grasped written in the 'Optometric Clinical Practice Guidelines ' for dealing with 'Accommodation and Vergence dysfunction'. What an emotional…continue reading →