Audio-aided visual reading: a one year status report

Audio-aided visual reading: a one year status report

One year ago (September, 2015), I wrote about a new reading system I was implementing combining vision and audio support. It was a newly acquired skill which I could not do prior to that point in time. This reading combination takes the edge of gaze fixation and eye tracking while…continue reading →
Session 66: Inferring anaglyph depth through touch, definitely not dyslexic and soupy air

Session 66: Inferring anaglyph depth through touch, definitely not dyslexic and soupy air

Our senses are inferential by nature. This means that our senses pick up on different kinds of stimuli and the brain infers a meaningful percept. Probably there's an objective reality out there but that is not what we perceive. Colors don't really exist in nature for instance, they are just…continue reading →