Research: The Effects of Sports Vision Training on Binocular Vision Function in Female University Athletes

Research: The Effects of Sports Vision Training on Binocular Vision Function in Female University Athletes

An interesting piece of research, available on the website of the US National Institutes of Health, came to my attention recently. It was published in December, 2015. It is part of a growing body of research validating the efficacy of Vision Training. I'm posting it here because it also includes some…continue reading →

Session 76: Bring in the periphery

Skills acquired so far: - Smooth eye movements, improved vergence amplitudes and eye alignment - Improved accommodation amplitudes and continuing improvement with flippers - Stabilizing Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex - Being able to judge depth using physiological diplopia and reference cue Left to do: - Automation and stamina - Integration, integration, integration.…continue reading →