Analysis of strabismus and its symptoms, patient prognosis and success rate of Vision Therapy

My awesome friend and medical student Stephanie Johanns found the success rates of Vision Therapy for me through a medical search engine. She got me the Optometric clinical practice guidlines for the care of patients with accommodative and vergence dysfunction published by the American Optometric Association. She wanted me to have this scientific text aside from inspiring stories like Susan Barry’s. ‘Accommodative and vergence dysfunction’ is a fancy phrase for (manifest as well as latent) strabismus, which in turn is a fancy word for being cross-eyed. This text, aside from being a bit technical, contains a positive message. Basically it says you are going to suffer a lot for a very long time (if not detected and treated early in childhood) but in the end with a lot of hard work most cases can be resolved. Well, relatively positive that is! If you are looking for solid information on binocular vision issues, their effects  and the success rate of Vision Therapy as a treatment, this is the document for you.

I took some snapshots of the parts that I felt were most important to me personally.

The above article mainly concerns intermittent strabismus, also known as phorias. Manifest strabismus or tropias can be treated equally successful but generally take longer to deal with. For more studies and further reading on the success rates of Vision Therapy please go to

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