On dealing with double vision and the limitations of current ophthalmology practices concerning strabismus

On dealing with double vision and the limitations of current ophthalmology practices concerning strabismus

Even among people with strabismus, the ones with intractable double vision are quite rare. Most strabismics unconsciously suppress the image of one eye and often, but not always, alternate between both eyes. I also used to see like that but because of extreme studying habits slowly broke through my suppression.…continue reading →
Book Review: Suddenly Successful: How Behavioral Optometry Helps You Overcome Learning, Health And Behavioral Problems

Book Review: Suddenly Successful: How Behavioral Optometry Helps You Overcome Learning, Health And Behavioral Problems

One word: mind-boggling. Anyone with eyes should read it and honestly I had some problems curbing my enthusiasm. Having discovered about Vision Therapy through the internet and Susan Barry’s 2009 publication ‘Fixing my Gaze’ which is equally mind blowing and emphasizes the beauty and advantages of having stereovision and the brain…continue reading →

“How do you explain to friends and family that you are turning into a psycho because your eyes are changing?”

As strabismus is essentially a brain problem, it touches more than vision alone. During my research I found lists of symptoms which in hindsight all make sense, one being 'emotional problems and anxiety'. This is true and during therapy the changes in your sight and brain make this symptom even…continue reading →