Session 56: Bankrupt?

My fine ocular motor skills keep improving making head on anti-suppression exercise the main focus now. No 'luster' yet, but I am not disheartened. It is really unbelievable that after 2,5 years of dedication to my vision (read brain), my motor control still keeps getting more refined. It's hard to…continue reading →

Check-up 6

I was quite confident coming to this 6th check-up meeting. My optometrist was equally pleased. Two years and five months before, when I first met him, I was having constant diplopia and a batch of other problems because of it. I wasn't able to align my eyes nor was I…continue reading →

An amateur’s golf quest sheds light on how we learn: some vision therapy related thoughts

I'm working on some more technical vision nerdy posts for the near future but meanwhile I came accross an interesting Time Magazine article. A 30 year old commercial photographer named Dan McLaughlin living in Portland, Ore., quit his job and decided to make some changes. He committed himself to a…continue reading →
What role do various brain areas play in vision? – Part 2

What role do various brain areas play in vision? – Part 2

I admit this is DIY brain science, although putting together the information I found on the various brain areas described in Part 1 was very eye-opening to me. That's why I made a schematic overview of the information listed earlier and categorized them into functional groups. This schedule has many deficits in…continue reading →